November came and went. To be honest, I didn’t really do as much as I’d wanted for the site. With the holidays coming up, I’ve been busy handling client work more than my own projects. Perhaps it’s time I should shift focus? I don’t know.
November Goals Recap
In November, my goal was to post various posts that I had written to my PBNs to build links. Apart from this, I was to continue proofreading the articles I’ve already posted on my 100K Project site and do some on-page optimization by basically adding related keywords.
Well, I did not get to post the PBN articles I have. I know. I’ve been lazy and the project has taken a toll on me. Well, I’ve also been busy with my content agency. So, I really haven’t had as much time dedicated to this site.
Coming to the proofreading and optimization goal, I’ve done this quite a bit. I tried to proofread and optimize at least one article a day. However, this has not always been possible. At this time, I’ve only proofread 21 article out of the total 206 articles on the site. Got really quite a long way to go.
With that said, let’s look at the performance of the site in November.
Google Analytics
Traffic to the site keeps increasing. In November, a total of 939 visitors stopped by the site. I’m just about to hit the 1000 visitor mark for the site.

I’m happy that more new visitors are coming through to the site. However, the bounce rate is a little high. I will need to work on this.
With this increased traffic, I’m setting up systems to capture the traffic. Talk about lead magnets, email popups, and more. I’ll give more details about these in the coming months.
Here is what SEMRush shows for the site:

Earnings are also increasing, but at a snail pace. Not really worried about this because I haven’t started actively driving traffic to the site.
The site earned $42 from Amazon Associates program and $1.70 from VigLink.
November Amazon Associates Earnings
December Plans
December is turning out to be a lazy month for me. My main goal is to proofread and optimize at least 30 articles. Apart from this, I’ll continue marketing on Quora and Pinterest.
That’s all for this update.
Let’s see what December holds for the site.