I’m back with another experiment. And don’t worry about the many experiments I’m doing. How can you learn if you are not curious? Like Steve Jobs said, Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
This is a quick little something I would like to see whether I can accomplish in the next 2 months. So, my deadline is 22nd November, 2016. I’ll be back here to report the results of the experiment.
In the meantime, I’ll blog about some of the things I’m doing.
What’s the Plan?
The plan is simple: get 50 customers to buy a product/service whose commission is $100. Now, if you do the math, you know that with a commission of $100, the product is likely to cost $200 or more. The problem with $200 or more digital products is that they are considered a little pricey. $200 is not the $47 that someone can easily get out of the credit card.
My other option would be to target a cheap product/service that will be a no-brainer for people to buy. But that is an experiment for another day.
So, I have to really provide value to the customers I’ll be targeting to get them to buy the product.
What Have I Done So Far?
i) Identified the product I’m targeting
ii) Bought 2 domain names for the websites
iii) Installed WordPress on the sites
What I’m Doing Now
Producing content for the products
Need the timelines? Check here.
Stay tune for posts in my journey.